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Canine Body language

  Workshop Title

 Canine Body language


   Learning Outcomes

 The learner will understand basic canine body language



 1.    Canine Emotions



 2.The Learner will understand basic Dog Body Language signals.



 3. The learner will understand different types of dog aggression.



 4. The learner will understand how stress can affect a dog s behaviour.


 The learner will:


 1.1 Understand the signs of a relaxed, excited, fearful and aggressive dog.




 2.1 The dog’s facial expressions, ears, eyes and mouth.

 2.2 The dog’s body signals.

 2.3 The dog’s tail signals.

 3.1 The confident dog.

 3.2 The fearful dog.

 3.3 The aroused dog

 4.1 the different types of stress

 4.2 signs of stress

 Workshop Duration: 4 hours


Certificate of attendance


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